9 de mayo de 2007

Modified Dreams... Capítulo Cinco... Dream Marlene...

There was a day when I really loved a woman, when i felt everything was going to be perfect, when I thoguht I could marry her someday.

That day is gone now, but there's still a Dream... I was at my aunt's, but she wasn't there. Instead, there were My Bixita and I... She had a baby in her arms.

This baby was quite alike to the girl in the pic... (Mi cousin Marlene) We seemed quite happy, My Bixita was huggging this baby... I took her in my arms and started to play childish with this baby.. I had this idea taht this baby was our daughter, I mean, my Bixita's and mine...

While I played with my daughter I called her Aileen.

So, to sum up I had a daughter with My Bixita and we named her Aileen, I had a work, We were living at my Aunt's and we were happy.

Then my baby did something very common in babies: She threw up on me and started laughing. I had to call work to say I was going to arrive late... my Bixita laughed while I was on the phone.

That Dream was beautiful, I imagined it could become real someday... now all of it is dead... Every Beutiful dream, every charming moment, every sweet kiss, every sublime time we spent toghether... all of that has vanished...

I have my cousin to ease my pain, I have her to give all that I am and all the love that YOU lost because of your mistakes... because of your LIES... Because all that time you kept me betrayed...

1 comentario:

*Molks* dijo...


i think those are the moemnts you should keep... not the painful ones..
i had some dreams like that with my ex too... luckily i didnt have a baby... but we were happy and he told me everything i wanted (and i want) to hear from him...
sometimnes dreaming is not bad... but as dumbledore say: its good to dwell on dreams and forget about lkving... that moment never happened and it wont happen either.. so...

lets keep the happy memories instead...

new post on patos... check it out!

love ya
Molks xxx